v5.6, 2024-06-02:
- compatibility with Python 3.9+
- introduce optional filetype dependency
- improve rate limiting for live sync (issue #123)
- expose live sync rate limit settings in advanced options
- add command-line export flag --password (issue #126)
- fix potential error on comparing messages in live sync
- fix escaping special characters for regex in exported HTML search functions
- disable automatic update check and download popup in snapped version
- include third-party license texts in snaps and stand-alone exes
- drop step as a vendored library, use from public package index instead
- use latest custom-built PyInstaller 6.7 for producing binaries
v5.5, 2023-07-18:
- fix Bing-bot not being synced properly (issue #117)
- fix importing latest Skype export archives (issue #119)
- add config option to disable automatic update checks and downloads
- upgrade all dependency libraries in compiled binaries
v5.4.1, 2023-01-02:
- fix v5.4 release binaries containing outdated code
- fix --version flag being ignored
v5.4, 2022-12-11:
- add chat and contact counts to chats and contacts lists
- add database account as one entry among contacts in contacts-tab
- add links to contacts page in chat statistics
- add chat image to chat statistics
- add option to delete contact from database
- add contacts TXT export
- add contacts export to command-line interface
- add configuration flag to cache shared media on disk (issue #112)
- add configuration flag to auto-open exported files
- add 1:1 and group chat message counts to contact details
- add chat history text size selection to chat toolbar and context menu
- add context menu popup to contact list right-click
- add support for exporting SQL query results as INSERT statements
- add support for F2 and Ctrl-F key shortcuts in chats and contacts lists
- add "Export chats" button to contacts tab
- add context menu popups to all HTML controls
- expose chats and contacts lists context menu options under actions button
- add options to sync specific items in chats and contacts lists from live
- list all chats a contact is participant in, including empty chats
- convert linefeeds in profile fields to line break tags in contacts HTML export
- retain sort direction on changing sort column in contacts HTML export
- export contact list by current applied filter
- order file types in save dialog by label
- skip trying to download old shared content guaranteed to be unavailable
- fix parsing quoted media messages
- fix chat count on initial and info page not matching count in chat list
- fix error on syncing a contact no longer available online
- fix escaping quotes in SQL export
- fix compiled exe and pythonw auto-closing window immediately on --help
v5.3, 2022-07-25:
- add build file for Snap
- add command-line flag --config-file
- add command-line search flags --reverse --limit --offset
- tweak icon borders
- fix command-line search ignoring --type flag
- fix command-line search output for chats, contacts, and tables
- fix error on using system colours with transparency
- fix errors on Ubuntu 22 (issue #111)
v5.2, 2022-06-17:
- fix error on displaying search results with Unicode emoticons (issue #108)
- fix error on importing from JSON (issue #110)
v5.1, 2022-05-01:
- added contacts HTML export
- refresh contacts list during and after live sync
- fixed live sync updating messages needlessly in Python3
- fixed error on filtering current chat by text (issue #107)
v5.0, 2022-04-02:
- added contacts-tab
- full Python2 / Python3 compatibility
- moved to src-layout
- ensure DOS linefeeds in Windows
- fixed HTML exports not showing page icon
- fixed error on opening chat with linefeeds in participant name (issue #103)
- ensure database has required tables and fields before starting live sync (issue #106)
v4.8.1, 2021-09-08:
- fixed audio/video messages being imported from live as simple file transfers (issue #102)
v4.8, 2021-08-01:
- added shared files download for HTML export with subfolder
- fixed chats not being shown on importing Skype export (issue #100)
- fixed export on Linux not using selected format (issue #101)
- fixed certain save-dialog overwrite prompts not working on Linux
- fixed feedback screenshot not updating on Linux
- fixed help texts in advanced options dialog showing ampersands as accelerators
- show selection of chats to sync on online-page in case-insensitive order
- upgraded ijson from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4
- upgraded skpy from 0.10.2 to 0.10.4
- upgraded XlsxWriter from 1.3.7 to 1.4.5
v4.7, 2021-03-15:
- added command-line flag --no-terminal (issue #97)
- improved detecting existing messages during online sync
- improved querying Skype online service for more messages to sync (issue #93)
- fixed data grid export ignoring current filter
- fixed parsing parts of HTML entities into emoticons
- fixed command-line create overwriting existing file, and not creating file if password not given
v4.6, 2021-04-03:
- update existing contact information in database on live sync
- added flag to not update contact information in database from live
- sync older chats from live not just recent ones (issue #93)
- added flag to not sync older chats from live
- show <pre>-tag content in chat reader
- show @-taggings in chat reader and style them bold in reader and HTML
- ask for confirmation when exporting HTML with media in subfolder, but login unavailable for downloading media (issue #93)
- fixed error on creating chat date links during the month of March
- fixed "Go to previous [period]" not working in chat history if history starts with previous period
- fixed merge not showing correct diff in individual chats view
- fixed duplicates in syncing bot contacts and messages from live (issue #93)
- fixed not retaining the order of command-line FILE arguments (issue #93)
- fixed displaying shared media with duplicate filenames in HTML export with subfolder (issue #93)
- add detected media type extension to shared media exported in HTML if lacking one (issue #93)
v4.5, 2021-02-09:
- added option to change Skype online account username
- added option to delete chats from the database
- improved detection of duplicate messages on merging (issue #93)
- fixed new contacts not being inserted on merge (issue #93)
- fixed inserting duplicate chats on command-line merge with 2+ databases (issue #93)
v4.4, 2021-01-18:
- added support for shared audio & video in HTML export
- import chats and contacts from Skype online only if they have messages (issue #89)
- fixed loading and saving user-specific configuration file (issue #90)
- fixed handling unexpected data on importing Skype export (issue #92)
- fixed not focusing search result message in chat history on first click
- fixed issues on Linux with wxPython 4.1.1
- upgraded beautifulsoup4 from 4.9.1 to 4.9.3
- upgraded ijson from 3.1 to 3.1.3
- upgraded skpy from 0.10 to 0.10.2
- upgraded XlsxWriter from 1.2.9 to 1.3.7
v4.3.1, 2020-10-04:
- fixed export errors (issue #86)
v4.3, 2020-09-22:
- added dark mode toggle to HTML export (issue #81)
- added support for single-user install
v4.2, 2020-08-29:
- added option to create a blank Skype database
- added option to create a database from Skype export
- added option to export HTML with shared images in subfolder
- added chat history timeline for time period quick-selection
- added option to go to next/previous message from author in chat history
- added option to go to next/previous day/week/month in chat history
- added option to filter chat history by day/week/month/year of clicked message
- added option to scroll back more messages in chat history
- added calendar popup to chat time period filter
- import account/contact gender, homepage and e-mails from live sync
- improved message parsing from Skype live and export
- upgraded skpy from 0.9.1 to 0.10
- dropped dateutil dependency
- dropped Vagrant support
v4.1, 2020-08-03:
- added option to merge from Skype chat history export
- added option to rename chats and contacts
- added option to delete database
- use OS- and user-specific config and data directories where necessary
- improved error handling and reporting
v4.0.1, 2020-07-30:
- fixed live sync failing on unexpected errors
v4.0, 2020-07-29:
- added support for syncing chat history from Skype online service
- added 400+ more emoticon images
- added date range option to chat export
- restored shared image download functionality
- restored support functionality
- made database list sortable and filterable, added date and size columns
- increased default font size for chat history, made it configurable
- updated emoticon parsing
- removed obsolescence notice
v3.6, 2020-07-06:
- marked program as obsolete
- dropped support functionality
- dropped contacts search and import functionality as unavailable
- dropped shared image download functionality as unavailable
- upgraded wxPython to v4
v3.5, 2015-07-16:
- added emoticons to chat statistics
- added shared image download for HTML export
- added chat and author filters to command-line export
- applying or resetting message filter will scroll to last selection
- added support for copying selected list items to clipboard
- stopped caching messages on export to avoid memory shortage
- fixed parsing messages with deeply nested HTML (issue #38)
- fixed chat date range component error when switching to empty chat
- fixed a potential error with unexpected data in quoted messages
- fixed a potential error message on filtering chat messages
- made database comparison report window retain scroll position at the bottom
- increased size of message search bar button image
- upgraded Python from 2.7.9 to 2.7.10
- upgraded dateutil from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2
- upgraded Pillow from 2.8.0 to 2.8.1
- upgraded SQLite from 3.6.21 to
- upgraded XlsxWriter from 0.6.7 to 0.7.3
- upgraded Nullsoft Scriptable Install System from 3.0a2 to 3.0b2
v3.4.1, 2015-04-29:
- fixed missing content in text/Excel/CSV export (issue #37)
- rolled back using Skype account timezone setting for message timestamps (issue #33)
- added 40x40 and 256x256 application icons
- minor UI tweak: added focus-on-click to Advanced Options dialog labels
v3.4, 2015-04-15:
- added links to earliest messages in chat statistics histogram sectors
- fixed showing wrong author in transfer statistics for certain messages
- fixed a parsing issue with certain Skype messages
- fixed HTML output for photo/video sharing messages (issue #33)
- fixed getting encoding errors on Excel export
- fixed potential error on chat date histogram analysis
- fixed showing database statistics on information page
- use Skype account timezone setting for message timestamps
- added message links to file transfers in chat statistics
- added table links to result sections in searching over tables
- optimized memory usage in chat word-cloud analysis (issue #35)
- added opened file name to application title
- avoid "Broken pipe" errors if command-line output is piped and interrupted
- fixed error on opening databases with invalid SkypeOut values in account (issue #35)
- fixed possible invalid HTML in export
- command-line output encoded on all platforms, to avoid Unicode errors
- avoid stack trace on command-line keyboard interrupt
- stop worker threads instead of using daemons, to avoid zombie messages in CLI
- command-line progress bar clears previously printed bar text
- small UI tweaks
- added pip-installed Skyperious can run as `python -m skyperious`
- upgraded Pillow from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0
v3.3, 2015-03-15:
- added per-contact word clouds to chat statistics
- added 24h and date activity histograms to chat statistics
- added support for bold, italic and strike-through formatting in Skype 7 (issue #31)
- fixed duplicate transfer rows in consecutive merges
- added start-end editboxes for chat date filter
- made contact avatar images in HTML export easily saveable
- made database comparison progress-bar advance by message count instead of chat count
- fixed creating duplicates in merge where contact names differ in databases
- fixed parsing errors for certain Skype messages
- fixed case-sensitive name sorting in chat statistics
- fixed using Unicode command-line arguments
- fixed possible wx error for shortcut keys when lots of windows open
- changed skypename text colour in chat Excel export from transparent to gray
- number of UI tweaks and fixes
- made Pillow/PIL an optional requirement for both GUI and command-line (issue #28)
- made pyparsing optional
- added script
- upgraded Python from 2.7.6 to 2.7.9
- upgraded wxPython from 3.0.0 to 3.0.2
- upgraded dateutil from 2.2 to 2.4.1
- upgraded Pillow from 2.3.0 to 2.7.0
- upgraded pyparsing from 2.0.1 to 2.0.3
- upgraded XlsxWriter from 0.5.3 to 0.6.7
v3.2, 2014-05-08:
- added menu item to configure advanced options
- added refresh button to database tables page
- made chat and database export filenames configuration-based
- fixed highlighting links in search results
- fixed filename encoding problems under Linux with no locale (issue #18)
- fixed keeping export filename length in filesystem limit (issue #20)
- added scroll support to decrease required minimum window size (issue #21)
- added 24x24 icon for Linux system tray (issue #21)
- fixed database opening crash in PLD Linux (issue #23)
- fixed search results falsely highlighting negated query words
- fixed errors on searching over tables in non-Skype databases
- made entire application window a target for dragged-dropped files
- update notification no longer shown when program minimized to tray
- "Execute SQL" button in SQL window uses selected text, if any
- word cloud text not longer includes wholly numeric words
- dropped "Total time spent in calls" from chat statistics as duplicating "Calls"
- dropped alert messages on opening a non-Skype database
- dropped alert messages on failing to open an export file
- auto-added console history no longer saved on exit
v3.1, 2014-03-02:
- fixed a bug in showing merge results
- file arguments opened on start-up are added to database list
- better Unicode support in command line interface
- fixed command line progress bar display under Linux
v3.0, 2014-02-20:
- added tray quick-search popup
- added command-line interface, not requiring wxPython
- database comparison now works in one direction
- made database comparison run significantly faster
- started using system theme colours
- added option to merge only selected chats
- added date selection links and initial limit to chat comparison view
- added export option to chat comparison view
- added filters to all chat and contact lists
- added automatic update check option
- added drag-drop reordering to database list
- enlarged feedback screenshot from window to full screen
- avatars in export now PNG instead of JPG
- better malformed database handling
- number of minor bugfixes and UI changes
- added hotkeys Ctrl-F4 and Ctrl-W for closing a tab
- changed console hotkey from Ctrl-W to Ctrl-E
- moved packaging scripts to public repository
- upgraded Python from 2.7.5 to 2.7.6
- upgraded wxPython from 2.9.5 to 3.0.0
- upgraded XlsxWriter from 0.4.8 to 0.5.2
- upgraded dateutil from 1.5 to 2.2
- upgraded NSIS from 2.4.6 to 3.0a2
- made pyparsing a required library and dropped it from source
v2.3, 2013-11-17:
- added Excel export
- added option to export multiple chats to a single Excel workbook
- added database corruption detection and recovery
- added more statistics to database information page
- fixed exporting from MSN Live accounts
- fixed handling file transfer messages with unsupported filenames
- fixed concurrency errors during merging (issue #11)
- improved emoticon parsing
- improved Linux compatibility
- a number of minor bugfixes and UI changes
- increased error reporting
- upgraded wxPython from 2.9.4 to 2.9.5
- upgraded PyInstaller from 2.0 to 2.1
- dropped BeautifulSoup dependency
v2.2, 2013-09-25:
- fixed errors in exporting larger chats as HTML (issue #10)
- fixed an error in exporting selected database chats (issue #9)
- improved parsing exotic emoticons
- made SQL editor auto-complete drop-down disappear on deleting text
- tweak to disable dragging in database list
- improved error reporting on export
v2.1.2, 2013-09-20:
- Fixed bugs on error reporting (issue #9)
- fixed an annoyance with SQL window auto-complete popup remaining on top of other windows
- minor UI tweaks
v2.1.1, 2013-09-19:
- fixed a bug in merging large chats
v2.1, 2013-09-18:
- support for exporting and comparing very large chats
- fixed errors on selecting chat participants in chat history
- fixed errors for chats with empty names
- fixed data grids freezing if moving mouse over certain BLOB fields
- added partner skypename to chat lists' People column for 1:1 chats
- started remembering last active page in database tabs
- improved exporting binary data as SQL from database tables
- improved wxMac compatibility
v2.0, 2013-09-08:
- added a Google-like query syntax to message search
- redesigned application front page as a separate list and detail view
- redesigned "Merge all" page, added progress bars, set as first in merge tab
- fixed memory problems on comparing very large databases
- added auto-complete and drop-down history to search
- added option for searching over all database tables
- added keyword to search syntax
- added option to exclude search results with -"dash in front"
- started remembering last search results on reopening database
- set search as the first page in database tab
- added welcome text and detailed search help to database tab
- added message edited/removed flags to HTML export
- started showing "/me" messages
- started using * as a wildcard in search queries
- highlighted wildcard matches in search results
- added skypenames to repeating new contact names in merge results
- added number of contact groups to merge results list
- added recognizing PRAGMA and EXPLAIN queries in SQL window
- fixed merging all file transfers
- fixed showing "Removed X from this conversation" messages
- started escaping SQLite wildcards % and _ in search
- improved accessing corrupt SQLite databases
- update check scheduled to run in the background
- removed single instance functionality as unnecessary
- improved message parsing
- improved Linux and wx 2.8 compatibility
- moved third-party libraries to separate directory
v1.5.1, 2013-06-21:
- fixed showing Facebook/MSN avatar images in chat HTML export
- not showing author name for consecutive messages in chat HTML export
- emoticon texts shown transparently over icon in chat HTML export
- fixed message times in chat HTML/TXT export (was showing hour:second)
- improved message and emoticon parsing
- fixed wrong items shown in file transfers under chat statistics
- minor changes in UI layout and logic
v1.5, 2013-06-17:
- animated emoticons in HTML export
- highlight multiple word cloud items in HTML export
- install option to associate Skyperious with *.db files
- search results limit raised from 400 to 1000
- SQL window last text reloaded on opening same database
- option to hide log window
- improved support for Python 2.6 + wx 2.8
- dateutil and Skype4Py modules included optionally when running from source
- fixed issues with formatting emoticons in older message texts
- fixed opening corrupt SQLite databases
- fixed word cloud calculation failing under certain odds
- fixed bug with disabling multiple instances
- moved source files under src/
v1.4, 2013-06-09:
- added statistics and word cloud to chat HTML exports
- added option to export selected chats only
- added calls to chat statistics
- added support for automatic updates
- added possibility to send feedback
- added option for automatic error reporting
- statistics for chat text collected from text messages only
- rearranged program menus
- started using templates for generating content
- updated license information for used and included software
- upgraded BeautifulSoup from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1
- updated 48x48 and 64x64 icons
- multiple minor fixes and re-factorings
v1.3.2, 2013-04-28:
- updated support for wx 2.8 (issue #6)
- fixed a bug in comparing databases where messages have no author
- fixed a bug in generating chat statistics for databases with exotic Unicode pathnames
- fixed showing database labels with exotic Unicode pathnames in database comparison
- fixed a problem where chat history could remain stuck in text selection mode after clicking a hyperlink
- disabled "Merge selected contacts" buttons after swapping left-right databases
v1.3.1, 2013-04-14:
- fixed going from search results to a message in longer chat histories
- removed shortcut keys from search options
v1.3, 2013-04-10:
- added sorting options to statistics
- search for all entered words instead of exact phrase
- fixed opening databases with 1000+ conversations
- fixed problems with search keyword order
- middle button closes pages
- better error handling on opening databases
- fixed chat history showing wrong date range at the top
v1.2, 2013-03-27:
- better search interface
- option to search from specific chats and contacts
- support for multiple tabs in search results
- maximize chat button in chat page
- changed icon
- updated main notebook control to FlatNotebook
- more toolbars in UI
- rearranged tab order in database page
- fixed a bug on opening a database with no account image
- fixed showing contacts with no full name or display name
- fixed a minor layout issue in chat statistics
- fixed formatting very first search results
- file drag-drop works on entire application window
v1.1, 2013-03-09:
- added contacts import page and file info page
- small changes in user interface and internal logic
v1.0, 2013-01-13:
- added links like "Show: 30 days | 6 months | 2 years" etc to current chat history top
- added percentages to chat statistics
- started showing the chat filter panel from the start, in disabled state
- added full message date-time as hovertext in HTML exports
- made chat list ordering case-insensitive
- small UI logic changes
- started restoring previous window size and position on load
- upgraded RangeSlider logic for single-selection range and disabled state
- enlarged the search icon in the lower right corner of chat history
- removed the wx.inspection tool
- added 64-bit installer script
v0.10.7a, 2012-12-30:
- made whole application window target for file drop
- added "Open a database.." button
- made "Open selected" button to open all selected instead of first
- added a confirmation to "Clear list" button
- fixed a small logic error in menu items when toggling console
- changed infotext slightly
- created an installer package
v0.10.6a, 2012-11-20:
- handle defective avatar images
- fix database list date sort
- refresh database list columns after change
- added participant count to chat list
v0.10.5a, 2012-11-01:
- a minor Unicode issue
- updated binaries to using PyInstaller 2
v0.10.4a, 2012-08-20:
- started showing "This message has been removed." for deleted messages
v0.10.3a, 2012-06-28:
- removed possible duplicate paths in database detection
v0.10.2a, 2012-06-22:
- fixed overwriting files in batch export for chats with identical names
v0.10.1a, 2012-06-18:
- added multiple database export functionality
- tweaked export formatting
v0.10.0a, 2012-05-29:
- refactored application modules
- made message decoding more robust
v0.9.8a, 2012-05-28:
- added option to batch-export all database chats
- fixed rare encoding errors in TXT export
v0.9.7a, 2012-04-30:
- fixed problems when using an empty database
- fixed inserting BLOB fields during merge
v0.9.6a, 2012-04-18:
- fixed error messages on application exit under certain conditions
- excluded conversations with no name from views and merging
- changed results of diff scanning
- cosmetic changes in code
v0.9.5a, 2012-04-17:
- increased number of tries to access a Skype database after closing Skype
- fixed some concurrency issues when using one database in multiple diffs
- fixed releasing memory for closed pages
v0.9.4a, 2012-04-15:
- added embedded favicons to HTML exports
- added embedded application icon to precompiled exe
- filenames assembled with os.path.join
- converted to using double quotation marks
- started using Ultimate Packer for Executables
- started sorting chat participants by name in lists
v0.9.3a, 2012-04-15: