grepros 1.2.2
grep for ROS bag files and live topics
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class  ROS1Bag
 ROS1 bag reader and writer. More...


namespace  grepros
namespace  grepros.ros1
 ROS1 interface.


 canonical (typename, unbounded=False)
 Returns "pkg/Type" for "pkg/subdir/Type".
 create_publisher (topic, cls_or_typename, queue_size)
 Returns a rospy.Publisher.
 create_subscriber (topic, typename, handler, queue_size)
 Returns a rospy.Subscriber.
 deserialize_message (raw, cls_or_typename)
 Returns ROS1 message or service request/response instantiated from serialized binary.
 format_message_value (msg, name, value)
 Returns a message attribute value as string.
 generate_message_classes (typename, typedef)
 Generates ROS message classes dynamically from given name and definition.
 get_message_class (typename)
 Returns ROS1 message class.
 get_message_definition (msg_or_type)
 Returns ROS1 message type definition full text, including subtype definitions.
 get_message_fields (val)
 Returns OrderedDict({field name: field type name}) if ROS1 message, else {}.
 get_message_type (msg_or_cls)
 Returns ROS1 message type name, like "std_msgs/Header".
 get_message_type_hash (msg_or_type)
 Returns ROS message type MD5 hash, or "" if unknown type.
 get_message_value (msg, name, typename=None, default=Ellipsis)
 Returns object attribute value, with numeric arrays converted to lists.
 get_rostime (fallback=False)
 Returns current ROS1 time, as rospy.Time.
 get_topic_types ()
 Returns currently available ROS1 topics, as [(topicname, typename)].
 init_node (name)
 Initializes a ROS1 node if not already initialized.
 is_ros_message (val, ignore_time=False)
 Returns whether value is a ROS1 message or special like ROS1 time/duration class or instance.
 is_ros_time (val)
 Returns whether value is a ROS1 time/duration class or instance.
 make_duration (secs=0, nsecs=0)
 Returns a ROS1 duration, as rospy.Duration.
 make_time (secs=0, nsecs=0)
 Returns a ROS1 time, as rospy.Time.
 scalar (typename)
 Returns scalar type from ROS message data type, like "uint8" from "uint8[100]".
 serialize_message (msg)
 Returns ROS1 message as a serialized binary.
 set_message_value (obj, name, value)
 Sets message or object attribute value.
 shutdown_node ()
 Shuts down live ROS1 node.
 to_duration (val)
 Returns value as ROS1 duration if convertible (int/float/time/datetime/decimal), else value.
 to_nsec (val)
 Returns value in nanoseconds if value is ROS time/duration, else value.
 to_sec (val)
 Returns value in seconds if value is ROS1 time/duration, else value.
 to_sec_nsec (val)
 Returns value as (seconds, nanoseconds) if value is ROS1 time/duration, else value.
 to_time (val)
 Returns value as ROS1 time if convertible (int/float/duration/datetime/decimal), else value.
 validate (live=False)
 Returns whether ROS1 environment is set, prints error if not.


 Bag = ROS1Bag
tuple BAG_EXTENSIONS = (".bag", "")
 Bagfile extensions to seek.
 genpy_mtx = threading.RLock()
 Mutex for ensuring exclusive access to genpy generator (genpy.dynamic is not thread-safe)
 master = None
 rospy.MasterProxy instance
dict ROS_ALIAS_TYPES = {"byte": "int8", "char": "uint8"}
 Mapping between type aliases and real types, like {"byte": "int8"}.
dict ROS_TIME_CLASSES = {rospy.Time: "time", rospy.Duration: "duration"}
 ROS1 time/duration types mapped to type names.
list ROS_TIME_TYPES = ["time", "duration"]
 ROS1 time/duration types.
tuple SKIP_EXTENSIONS = ("", )
 Bagfile extensions to skip.
float SLEEP_INTERVAL = 0.5
 Seconds between checking whether ROS master is available.
 {(typename, typehash): message type class}