| __new__ (cls, f, mode="r", reindex=False, progress=False, **kwargs) |
| Returns an object for reading or writing ROS bags.
| __subclasshook__ (cls, C) |
| autodetect (cls, f) |
| Returns registered bag class auto-detected from file, or None.
| __bool__ (self) |
| __contains__ (self, key) |
| Returns whether bag contains given topic.
| __copy__ (self) |
| __deepcopy__ (self, memo=None) |
| __enter__ (self) |
| Context manager entry, opens bag if not open.
| __exit__ (self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) |
| Context manager exit, closes bag.
| __getitem__ (self, key) |
| Returns an iterator yielding messages from the bag in given topic, supporting len().
| __iter__ (self) |
| Iterates over all messages in the bag.
| __len__ (self) |
| Returns the number of messages in the bag.
| __next__ (self) |
| Retrieves next message from bag as (topic, message, timestamp).
| __nonzero__ (self) |
| __str__ (self) |
| Returns informative text for bag, with a full overview of topics and types.
| close (self) |
| Closes the bag file.
| flush (self) |
| Ensures all changes are written to bag file.
| get_end_time (self) |
| Returns the end time of the bag, as UNIX timestamp, or None if bag empty.
| get_message_class (self, typename, typehash=None) |
| Returns ROS message type class, or None if unknown message type for bag.
| get_message_count (self, topic_filters=None) |
| Returns the number of messages in the bag.
| get_message_definition (self, msg_or_type) |
| Returns ROS message type definition full text, including subtype definitions.
| get_message_type_hash (self, msg_or_type) |
| Returns ROS message type MD5 hash, or None if unknown message type for bag.
| get_qoses (self, topic, typename) |
| Returns topic Quality-of-Service profiles as a list of dicts, or None if not available.
| get_start_time (self) |
| Returns the start time of the bag, as UNIX timestamp, or None if bag empty.
| get_topic_info (self, counts=True) |
| Returns topic and message type metainfo as {(topic, typename, typehash): count}.
| get_type_and_topic_info (self, topic_filters=None) |
| Returns thorough metainfo on topic and message types.
| open (self) |
| Opens the bag file if not already open.
| read_messages (self, topics=None, start_time=None, end_time=None, raw=False, **__) |
| Yields messages from the bag, optionally filtered by topic and timestamp.
| write (self, topic, msg, t=None, raw=False, **kwargs) |
| Writes a message to the bag.
| READER_CLASSES = set() |
| Bag reader classes, as {Cls, }.
| WRITER_CLASSES = set() |
| Bag writer classes, as {Cls, }.
| BagMessage = collections.namedtuple("BagMessage", "topic message timestamp") |
| Returned from read_messages() as (topic name, ROS message, ROS timestamp object).
tuple | MODES = ("r", "w", "a") |
| Supported opening modes, overridden in subclasses.
| next |
bool | STREAMABLE = True |
| Whether bag supports reading or writing stream objects, overridden in subclasses.
| TopicTuple |
| Returned from get_type_and_topic_info() as (typename, message count, connection count, median frequency).
| TypesAndTopicsTuple = collections.namedtuple("TypesAndTopicsTuple", ["msg_types", "topics"]) |
| Returned from get_type_and_topic_info() as ({typename: typehash}, {topic name: TopicTuple}).
Bag factory metaclass.
Result is a format-specific class instance, auto-detected from file extension or content: an extended rosbag.Bag for ROS1 bags, otherwise an object with a conforming interface.
E.g. McapBag
if mcap
plugin loaded and file recognized as MCAP format.
User plugins can add their own format support to READER_CLASSES and WRITER_CLASSES. Classes can have a static/class method autodetect(filename)
returning whether given file is in recognizable format for the plugin class.
Definition at line 381 of file api.py.