1.2.2 (2024-05-06)
- fix recursing into subdirectories when looking for bagfiles
- fix ROS2Bag creating blank file when opening a non-existent file for reading
- handle deserialization error when grepping live topics in ROS1
- tweak word wrap in HTML output
1.2.1 (2024-04-29)
- fix match highlighting regression in HTML output
- fix stripping trailing zeroes from timestamps
and highlighting message definition comments in HTML output
1.2.0 (2024-04-23)
- add --expression option to give pattern as a logical expression
like this AND (this2 OR NOT "skip this")
- add --time-scale option to emit messages in bag timeline
- count --every-nth-message from --start-index
- support explicit integer indexes in filtering nested message fields
- add separate match counts to progress bar where relevant
- print error stacktraces when --verbose
- make api.dict_to_message() support nested ROS messages in dictionary
- make api.get_message_value() accept a default
- support fractional values in --every-nth-interval option
- support
--lines-per-message 0
- stop bag reading when reaching --end-index in each topic
- stop bag and live reading when reaching --end-time in each topic
- add result message count in HTML output
- add total topic count to output metadata when grepping live topics
- rename TopicSource and TopicSink to LiveSource and LiveSink
- fix parsing and hashing message type definitions with leading whitespace
- fix negative --start-index and --end-index ignoring different counts in bag topics
- fix --every-nth-interval not working when messages continuously close
- fix emitting invalid YAML for nested message arrays
- fix using --filename with --recursive
- fix preparing patterns for early message skip
- fix program not exiting properly on exception in background thread,
like ROS master shutting down when grepping live topics
- fix intermittent concurrency issues in HTML output
- fix api.make_bag_time() and api.make_live_time() for Duration parameter
- fix handling already deserialized clock messages when grepping ROS1 live topics in sim time
- fix invalid error message when trying to write to unwritable path
- improve auto-detecting MCAP and ROS2 .db3 bags
- validate all arguments, check signedness
- print detailed output statistics only in verbose mode
- default to non-verbose mode when using progress bar
- add Source.configure() and Sink.configure()
- avoid UserWarning from PyArrow in Parquet output
- avoid pointless stacktrace upon multiple Ctrl-C when
grepping live topics
1.1.0 (2024-01-03)
- add support for splitting files in bag/HTML/MCAP/SQLite output
- add api.to_duration()
- do not use partial match for topic and typename filters without wildcards
- support patterns yielding zero-length matches like "(?!not_this)"
- support search over message fields in conditions as
--condition "value in msg"
- support giving dashed names like "rollover-size" in format-specific write options
as underscored "rollover_size" instead
- disallow unknown command-line flags and partial abbreviations
- fix matching nested message values for patterns using start or end flags
- fix ISO datetime support in earliest and latest timestamp arguments
- fix --end-line not being used
- fix api.dict_to_message() erroring on temporal types in dict
- fix api.get_ros_time_category() erroring on time/duration instances in ROS2
- fix including topics in match only used for conditions not matching
- fix using len() in conditions on topics not reached yet
- ensure api.get_message_value() returning collections as lists not tuples
1.0.4 (2023-09-28)
- fix Parquet sink validation resulting in silent failure if additional columns specified
1.0.3 (2023-08-31)
- fix Unicode characters in HTML output template
1.0.2 (2023-08-30)
- fix raising error in ROS1 live topics if message class not locally available
- fix generating ROS1 message classes dynamically in multi-threaded environment
- fix caching generated message classes in ROS1
- update step, the vendored template library
- ensure compatibility with Python 3.12+
1.0.1 (2023-07-14)
- ensure Python2 compatibility under ROS1 Melodic
1.0.0 (2023-07-05)
- make grepros conveniently usable as a library
- add --no-highlight option
- add --stop-on-error option
- rename options --print-field and --no-print-field to --emit-field and --no-emit-field
- support --emit-field --no-emit-field in CSV and Parquet exports
- handle all numpy types in ROS2 messages, not only ndarrays
- avoid raising errors for unknown message types in ROS2 bags if not reading those topics
- fix grepping and emitting specific messages fields only
- fix not skipping live topics published by grepros itself in ROS2
- fix embag reader
- verify output targets being writable on startup
- provide connection header in writing ROS1 bag if topic has multiple types
- smooth over rosbag bug of ignoring topic and time filters in format v1.2
- print ROS1 master URI in verbose mode on connecting to live topics
- raise error on loading Parquet plugin if libraries unavailable
- support "postgres://" as auto-detected Postgres target in addition to "postgresql://"
- use bagfile format as last when auto-detecting output format
- add MCAP bag interface
- auto-detect MCAP output by file extension
- add inputs.AppSource and outputs.AppSink
- add api.deserialize_message() dict_to_message() make_full_typename() time_message() to_time()
- rename api.get_message_data() to serialize_message()
- fix api.message_to_dict() giving invalid names for temporal types in ROS2
0.6.0 (2023-03-30)
- add nesting=array|all to --write Parquet options
- add idgenerator=callable to --write Parquet options
- add rosapi.canonical()
- match bounded array fields to configured output types properly
in Parquet/Postgres/SQL/SQLite output, like "uint8[10]" for "BYTEA" in Postgres
- workaround for ROS1 time/duration fields defined as int32 while actually being uint32
- fix date formatting in HTML output
0.5.0 (2022-10-30)
- add --plugin grepros.plugins.mcap (MCAP input and output)
- refactor internal bag API
- fix message type definition parsing yielding duplicate subtypes
- fix error in example usage text
0.4.7 (2022-06-20)
- fix space leak in caching message metadata
0.4.6 (2022-05-26)
- add forgotten implementation for --every-nth-match
- fix --every-nth-message
- fix error on grepping bags where no topic or type name matches given filter
0.4.5 (2022-04-19)
- fix forcing all numeric array fields to integer lists regardless of type
- fix error on subscribing to defunct topic
0.4.4 (2022-03-16)
- add support for reading zstd-compressed bagfiles
- use message type definition from ROS1 live topics instead of locally installed package
- optimize partial printing of very long array fields
- optimize CSV output of very long array fields
- strip leading "./" from printed filename prefix if grepping working directory
- fix not skipping ROS2 bag if all topics filtered out
- fix making compatible QoS for ROS2 topic subscriptions
- fix making unique filename on error in HTML output
0.4.3 (2022-03-01)
- continue subscribing to other live topics even if one causes error
- continue reading from ROS2 bag even if one message type causes error
- subscribe to live topics in ROS2 with QoS matching publisher
- fix not saving publisher QoS profiles in written ROS2 bags
- fix package build not including submodules (#1)
0.4.2 (2022-02-09)
- add overwrite=true|false to --write options
- add column-name=rostype:value to --write Parquet options
- add scripts/
- create message type definition from .idl if .msg file not available in ROS2
- improve DDS type parsing in ROS2
- handle ROS2 char and byte int8/uint8 reversal vs ROS1
- fix assembling message type full definition in ROS2
- fix processing byte values in ROS2
- fix processing bounded string types in ROS2
- fix inserting chars in Postgres
- fix inserting very large integers in SQLite
0.4.1 (2022-01-08)
- refactor database and SQL sinks onto a common base
- allow specifying dialect options in Postgres/SQLite output
- allow overriding table and view names in SQL dialects
- allow specifying field value adapters in SQL dialects
- allow specifying structured type mappings in Parquet output like type-uint8[]="list(uint8())"
- drop meta-table from Postgres output
- drop default value from --publish-prefix option
- fix error in parsing subtypes from message definitions
- fix converting ROS2 temporal messages to seconds/nanoseconds
0.4.0 (2021-12-26)
- add --plugin grepros.plugins.parquet (Parquet output)
- add --plugin grepros.plugins.sql (SQL schema output)
- add --plugin grepros.plugins.embag (faster ROS1 bag reader)
- add --reindex-if-unindexed option
- add --every-nth-match option
- add --every-nth-message option
- add --every-nth-interval option
- allow multiple write sinks, combine --write-format and --write-option to --write
- refactor plugins interface
- populate topics.offered_qos_profiles in ROS2 bag output where possible
- fix progress bar afterword not updating when grepping multiple bags
- fix error on empty bag with no messages
- fix error in Postgres output for NaNs in nested JSON values
- fix skipping some messages in ROS1 bag for types with identical hashes
- fix not being able to specify list arguments several times
- ensure no conflicts from changed message types or identical type hashes
- add tests
0.3.5 (2021-12-14)
- fix Postgres output not having content
0.3.4 (2021-12-14)
- add --write-option message-yaml=true|false, for SQLite output
- speed up SQLite output (~4-8x)
- speed up YAML formatting (~2x)
- fix no engine name in console texts for Postgres output
0.3.3 (2021-12-13)
- fix errors in Postgres/SQLite output
0.3.2 (2021-12-12)
- rename --write-option commit_interval to commit-interval
- raise Postgres default commit-interval from 100 to 1000
- add --write-option commit-interval support to SQLite output
- add --write-option subtypes=array|all, for Postgres/SQLite output
- speed up SQLite output (~2x)
- refactor Postgres/SQLite sinks onto common base class
0.3.1 (2021-12-06)
- add --write-option template=/my/html.template, for HTML output
- add --write-option commit_interval=NUM, for Postgres output
- drop --write-format-template
- fix highlighting subtype arrays
0.3.0 (2021-12-05)
- add --write-format postgres
- add --no-verbose option
- add --condition option
- add --plugin option
- add wildcard support to fields in "field=PATTERN"
- use up to nanosecond precision in HTML output timeline
- highlight empty arrays on any-match regardless of type
- select meta-fields as last in SQLite topic views
- fix potential error on using --max-per-topic with live topics
- fix detecting ROS2 bags
- fix using --progress with --live
0.2.5 (2021-11-28)
- add --progress option
- match anything by default if no patterns given
- add timeline to HTML output
- auto-detect output format from given filename
- fix breaking too early on --max-per-topic
- fix adding topic views to existing SQLite output database
- fix error on adding message type tables for empty list values in SQLite output
- fix sorting table of contents in HTML output
- do not auto-expand table of contents in HTML output
0.2.4 (2021-11-18)
- skip retrieving full message counts from ROS2 bag before any match
- ensure message YAMLs in html output always in color and wrapped at 120 characters
- fix inserting duplicate types-rows when adding to an existing SQLite output file
- improve wrapping lists and nunbers
0.2.3 (2021-11-15)
- add --write-format csv
- add --write-format sqlite
- local Python packages no longer required for custom message types in ROS1
- add topic toggle checkboxes to HTML output
- add topic count to live source metainfo
- break early when max matches per topic reached
- improve HTML output
0.2.2 (2021-11-10)
- shut down ROS2 live node properly
- better support for ROS2 primitive types
- make HTML output table of contents sortable
- stop requiring unneeded environment variables
0.2.1 (2021-11-09)
- add --write-format option, with HTML support
- add --wrap-width option
- add --order-bag-by option
- handle topics with multiple message types
- improve console output wrapping
- fix detecting ROS2 primitive array types
- fix using ROS2 bag start-end timestamps
0.2.0 (2021-11-04)
- add ROS2 support
- flush stdout on every print, to avoid buffering in redirected output
- add --ros-time-in option
- add --unique-only option
- rename options --noselect-field and --noprint-field to --no-select-field and --no-print-field
0.1.0 (2021-10-31)
- grep for ROS1 bag files and live topics, able to print and publish and write bagfiles