grep for ROS bag files and live topics
Using the program
Matching and filtering
Command-line options
API documentation
View the Project on GitHub suurjaak/grepros
All command-line arguments:
positional arguments: PATTERN pattern(s) to find in message field values, all messages match if not given, can specify message field as NAME=PATTERN (supports nested.paths and * wildcards) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -F, --fixed-strings PATTERNs are ordinary strings, not regular expressions -I, --no-ignore-case use case-sensitive matching in PATTERNs -v, --invert-match select messages not matching PATTERNs -e, --expression PATTERNs are a logical expression like 'this AND (this2 OR NOT "skip this")', with elements as patterns to find in message fields --version display version information and exit --live read messages from live ROS topics instead of bagfiles --publish publish matched messages to live ROS topics --write TARGET [format=bag|csv|html|mcap|parquet|postgres|sql|sqlite] [KEY=VALUE ...] write matched messages to specified output, format is autodetected from TARGET if not specified. Bag or database will be appended to if it already exists. Keyword arguments are given to output writer. column-NAME=ROSTYPE:VALUE additional column to add in Parquet output, like column-bag_hash=string:26dfba2c commit-interval=NUM transaction size for Postgres/SQLite output (default 1000, 0 is autocommit) dialect-file=path/to/dialects.yaml load additional SQL dialect options for Postgres/SQL/SQLite output from a YAML or JSON file dialect=clickhouse|postgres|sqlite use specified SQL dialect in SQL output (default "sqlite") idgenerator=CALLABLE callable or iterable for producing message IDs in Parquet output, like 'uuid.uuid4' or 'itertools.count()'; nesting uses UUID values by default message-yaml=true|false whether to populate table field messages.yaml in SQLite output (default true) nesting=array|all create tables for nested message types in Parquet/Postgres/SQL/SQLite output, only for arrays if "array" else for any nested types (array fields in parent will be populated with foreign keys instead of messages as JSON) overwrite=true|false overwrite existing file in bag/CSV/HTML/MCAP/Parquet/SQL/SQLite output instead of appending to if bag or database or appending unique counter to file name (default false) rollover-count=NUM message limit for individual files in bag/HTML/MCAP/SQLite output (supports abbreviations like 1K or 2M or 3G) rollover-duration=INTERVAL message time span limit for individual files in bag/HTML/MCAP/SQLite output as seconds (supports abbreviations like 60m or 2h or 1d) rollover-size=NUM size limit for individual files in bag/HTML/MCAP/SQLite output as bytes (supports abbreviations like 1K or 2M or 3G) rollover-template=STR output filename template for individual files in bag/HTML/MCAP/SQLite output, supporting strftime format codes like "%H-%M-%S" and "%(index)s" as output file index template=/my/path.tpl custom template to use for HTML output type-ROSTYPE=ARROWTYPE custom mapping between ROS and pyarrow type for Parquet output, like type-time="timestamp('ns')" or type-uint8[]="list(uint8())" writer-ARGNAME=ARGVALUE additional arguments for Parquet output given to pyarrow.parquet.ParquetWriter --plugin PLUGIN [PLUGIN ...] load a Python module or class as plugin (built-in plugins: grepros.plugins.embag, grepros.plugins.mcap, grepros.plugins.parquet, grepros.plugins.sql) --stop-on-error stop further execution on any error like unknown message type Filtering: -t TOPIC [TOPIC ...], --topic TOPIC [TOPIC ...] ROS topics to read if not all (supports * wildcards) -nt TOPIC [TOPIC ...], --no-topic TOPIC [TOPIC ...] ROS topics to skip (supports * wildcards) -d TYPE [TYPE ...], --type TYPE [TYPE ...] ROS message types to read if not all (supports * wildcards) -nd TYPE [TYPE ...], --no-type TYPE [TYPE ...] ROS message types to skip (supports * wildcards) --condition CONDITION [CONDITION ...] extra conditions to require for matching messages, as ordinary Python expressions, can refer to last messages in topics asLoaded plugins will add their additional arguments to help output.; topic name can contain wildcards. E.g. --condition " .data" matches messages only while last message in '/robot/enabled' has data=true. -t0 TIME, --start-time TIME earliest timestamp of messages to read as relative seconds if signed, or epoch timestamp or ISO datetime (for bag input, relative to bag start time if positive or end time if negative, for live input relative to system time, datetime may be partial like 2021-10-14T12) -t1 TIME, --end-time TIME latest timestamp of messages to read as relative seconds if signed, or epoch timestamp or ISO datetime (for bag input, relative to bag start time if positive or end time if negative, for live input relative to system time, datetime may be partial like 2021-10-14T12) -n0 INDEX, --start-index INDEX message index within topic to start from (1-based if positive, counts back from bag total if negative) -n1 INDEX, --end-index INDEX message index within topic to stop at (1-based if positive, counts back from bag total if negative) --every-nth-message NUM read every Nth message within topic, starting from first --every-nth-interval SECONDS read messages at least N seconds apart within topic --every-nth-match NUM emit every Nth match in topic, starting from first -sf FIELD [FIELD ...], --select-field FIELD [FIELD ...] message fields to use in matching if not all (supports nested.paths and * wildcards) -ns FIELD [FIELD ...], --no-select-field FIELD [FIELD ...] message fields to skip in matching (supports nested.paths and * wildcards) -m NUM, --max-count NUM number of matched messages to emit (per each file if bag input) --max-per-topic NUM number of matched messages to emit from each topic (per each file if bag input) --max-topics NUM number of topics to emit matches from (per each file if bag input) --unique-only only emit matches that are unique in topic, taking --select-field and --no-select-field into account (per each file if bag input) Output control: -B NUM, --before-context NUM emit NUM messages of leading context before match -A NUM, --after-context NUM emit NUM messages of trailing context after match -C NUM, --context NUM emit NUM messages of leading and trailing context around match -ef FIELD [FIELD ...], --emit-field FIELD [FIELD ...] message fields to emit in console/CSV/HTML/Parquet output if not all (supports nested.paths and * wildcards) -nf FIELD [FIELD ...], --no-emit-field FIELD [FIELD ...] message fields to skip in console/CSV/HTML/Parquet output (supports nested.paths and * wildcards) -mo, --matched-fields-only emit only the fields where PATTERNs find a match in console/HTML output -la NUM, --lines-around-match NUM emit only matched fields and NUM message lines around match in console/HTML output -lf NUM, --lines-per-field NUM maximum number of lines to emit per field in console/HTML output -l0 NUM, --start-line NUM message line number to start emitting from in console/HTML output (1-based if positive, counts back from total if negative) -l1 NUM, --end-line NUM message line number to stop emitting at in console/HTML output (1-based if positive, counts back from total if negative) -lm NUM, --lines-per-message NUM maximum number of lines to emit per message in console/HTML output --match-wrapper [STR [STR ...]] string to wrap around matched values in console/HTML output, both sides if one value, start and end if more than one, or no wrapping if zero values (default "**" in colorless output) --wrap-width NUM character width to wrap message YAML console output at, 0 disables (defaults to detected terminal width) --color {auto,always,never} use color output in console (default "always") --no-meta do not print source and message metainfo to console --no-filename do not print bag filename prefix on each console message line --no-highlight do not highlight matched values --no-console-output do not print matches to console --progress show progress bar when not printing matches to console --verbose print status messages during console output for publishing and writing, and error stacktraces --no-verbose do not print status messages during console output for publishing and writing Bag input control: -n FILE [FILE ...], --filename FILE [FILE ...] names of ROS bagfiles to read if not all in directory (supports * wildcards) -p PATH [PATH ...], --path PATH [PATH ...] paths to scan if not current directory (supports * wildcards) -r, --recursive recurse into subdirectories when looking for bagfiles --order-bag-by {topic,type} order bag messages by topic or type first and then by time --decompress decompress archived bagfiles with recognized extensions (.zst .zstd) --reindex-if-unindexed reindex unindexed bagfiles (ROS1 only), makes backup copies --time-scale [FACTOR] emit messages on original bag timeline from first matched message, optionally with a speedup or slowdown factor Live topic control: --publish-prefix PREFIX prefix to prepend to input topic name on publishing match --publish-suffix SUFFIX suffix to append to input topic name on publishing match --publish-fixname TOPIC single output topic name to publish all matches to, overrides prefix and suffix --queue-size-in SIZE live ROS topic subscriber queue size (default 10) --queue-size-out SIZE output publisher queue size (default 10) --ros-time-in use ROS time instead of system time for incoming message timestamps from subsribed live ROS topics