
grep for ROS bag files and live topics

Using the program
Matching and filtering
Message formatting in console / html
Nested messages in postgres / sqlite
SQL dialects
Command-line options

API documentation
View the Project on GitHub suurjaak/grepros


There can be any number of outputs: printing to console (default), publishing to live ROS topics, or writing to file or database.

Some outputs require loading extra plugins.


Default output is to console, in ANSI colors, mimicking grep output.

Disable printing messages to console:


Manage color output:

--color always  (default)
--color auto    (auto-detect terminal support)
--color never   (disable colors)

Note that when paging color output with more or less, the pager needs to accept raw control characters (more -f or less -R).


--write path/to/my.bag [format=bag] [overwrite=true|false]
        [rollover-size=NUM] [rollover-count=NUM] [rollover-duration=NUM]

Write messages to a ROS bag file, the custom .bag format in ROS1, or the .db3 SQLite database format in ROS2. If the bagfile already exists, it is appended to, unless specified to overwrite.

Specifying format=bag is not required if the filename ends with .bag in ROS1 or .db3 in ROS2.

More on rollover.

For writing bags in MCAP format, see the MCAP plugin.



Publish messages to live ROS topics. Topic prefix and suffix can be changed, or topic name set to one specific name:

--publish-prefix  /myroot
--publish-suffix  /myend
--publish-fixname /my/singular/name

One of the above arguments needs to be specified if publishing to live ROS topics while grepping from live ROS topics, to avoid endless loops.

Set custom queue size for publishers (default 10):

--queue-size-out 100


--write path/to/my.csv [format=csv] [overwrite=true|false]

Write messages to CSV files, each topic to a separate file, named path/to/my.full__topic__name.csv for /full/topic/name.

Output mimicks CSVs compatible with PlotJuggler, all messages values flattened to a single list, with header fields like /topic/

If a file already exists, a unique counter is appended to the name of the new file, e.g. my.full__topic__name.2.csv, unless specified to overwrite.

Specifying format=csv is not required if the filename ends with .csv.


--write path/to/my.html [format=html] [overwrite=true|false]
        [rollover-size=NUM] [rollover-count=NUM] [rollover-duration=NUM]

Write messages to an HTML file, with a linked table of contents, message timeline, message type definitions, and a topically traversable message list.

HTML output example

Note: resulting file may be large, and take a long time to open in browser.

If the file already exists, a unique counter is appended to the name of the new file, e.g. my.2.html, unless specified to overwrite.

Specifying format=html is not required if the filename ends with .htm or .html.

A custom template file can be specified, in step syntax:

--write path/to/my.html template=/my/html.template

More on rollover.


--write postgresql://username@host/dbname [format=postgres]
        [commit-interval=NUM] [nesting=array|all]

Write messages to a Postgres database, with tables pkg/MsgType for each ROS message type, and views /full/topic/name for each topic.
Plus table topics with a list of topics, types with message types and definitions, and meta with table/view/column name changes from shortenings and conflicts, if any (Postgres name length is limited to 63 characters).

ROS primitive types are inserted as Postgres data types (time/duration types as NUMERIC), uint8[] arrays as BYTEA, other primitive arrays as ARRAY, and arrays of subtypes as JSONB.

If the database already exists, it is appended to. If there are conflicting names (same package and name but different message type definition), table/view name becomes "name (MD5 hash of type definition)".

Specifying format=postgres is not required if the parameter uses the Postgres URI scheme postgresql://.

Parameter --write can also use the Postgres keyword=value format, e.g.:

--write "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=mydb username=postgres connect_timeout=10"

Requires psycopg2.

Standard Postgres environment variables are also supported (PGPASSWORD et al).

Postgres output example

A custom transaction size can be specified (default is 1000; 0 is autocommit):

--write postgresql://username@host/dbname commit-interval=NUM

Nested message types can be recursively populated to separate tables, linked to parent messages via foreign keys.

--write postgresql://username@host/dbname nesting=array
--write postgresql://username@host/dbname nesting=all

More on nested messages.

Updates to Postgres SQL dialect can be loaded from a YAML or JSON file:

--write postgresql://username@host/dbname dialect-file=path/to/dialects.yaml

More on SQL dialects.


--write path/to/my.sqlite [format=sqlite] [overwrite=true|false]
        [commit-interval=NUM] [message-yaml=true|false] [nesting=array|all]
        [rollover-size=NUM] [rollover-count=NUM] [rollover-duration=NUM]

Write an SQLite database with tables pkg/MsgType for each ROS message type and nested type, and views /full/topic/ for each topic. If the database already exists, it is appended to, unless specified to overwrite.

Output is compatible with ROS2 .db3 bagfiles, supplemented with full message YAMLs, and message type definition texts. Note that a database dumped from a ROS1 source will most probably not be usable as a ROS2 bag, due to breaking changes in ROS2 standard built-in types and message types.

Specifying format=sqlite is not required if the filename ends with .sqlite or .sqlite3.

SQLite output example

A custom transaction size can be specified (default is 1000; 0 is autocommit):

--write path/to/my.sqlite commit-interval=NUM

By default, table messages is populated with full message YAMLs, unless:

--write path/to/my.sqlite message-yaml=false

Nested message types can be recursively populated to separate tables, linked to parent messages via foreign keys.

--write path/to/my.sqlite nesting=array
--write path/to/my.sqlite nesting=all

More on nested messages.

Updates to SQLite SQL dialect can be loaded from a YAML or JSON file:

--write path/to/my.sqlite dialect-file=path/to/dialects.yaml

More on SQL dialects.

More on rollover.

Message formatting in console / html

Set maximum number of lines to output per message:

--lines-per-message 5

Set maximum number of lines to output per message field:

--lines-per-field 2

Start message output from, or stop output at, message line number:

--start-line  2   # (1-based if positive
--end-line   -2   # (count back from total if negative)

Output only the fields where patterns find a match:


Output only matched fields and specified number of lines around match:

--lines-around-match 5

Output only specific message fields (supports nested.paths and * wildcards):

--emit-field *data

Skip outputting specific message fields (supports nested.paths and * wildcards):

--no-emit-field header.stamp

Wrap matches in custom texts:

--match-wrapper @@@
--match-wrapper "<<<<" ">>>>"

Set custom width for wrapping message YAML printed to console (auto-detected from terminal by default):

--wrap-width 120

Nested messages in postgres / sqlite

Nested message types can be recursively populated to separate tables, linked to parent messages via foreign keys.

To recursively populate nested array fields:

--write postgresql://username@host/dbname nesting=array
--write path/to/my.sqlite nesting=array

E.g. for diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray, this would populate the following tables:

-- In postgres:
CREATE TABLE "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray" (
  "header.seq"          BIGINT,
  "header.stamp.secs"   INTEGER,
  "header.stamp.nsecs"  INTEGER,
  "header.frame_id"     TEXT,
  status                JSONB,       -- [_id from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus", ]
  _topic                TEXT,
  _timestamp            NUMERIC,
  _id                   BIGSERIAL,
  _parent_type          TEXT,
  _parent_id            BIGINT

CREATE TABLE "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus" (
  level                 SMALLINT,
  name                  TEXT,
  message               TEXT,
  hardware_id           TEXT,
  "values"              JSONB,       -- [_id from "diagnostic_msgs/KeyValue", ]
  _topic                TEXT,        -- _topic from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _timestamp            NUMERIC,     -- _timestamp from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _id                   BIGSERIAL,
  _parent_type          TEXT,        -- "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _parent_id            BIGINT       -- _id from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"

CREATE TABLE "diagnostic_msgs/KeyValue" (
  "key"                 TEXT,
  value                 TEXT,
  _topic                TEXT,        -- _topic from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus"
  _timestamp            NUMERIC,     -- _timestamp from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus"
  _id                   BIGSERIAL,
  _parent_type          TEXT,        -- "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus"
  _parent_id            BIGINT       -- _id from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus"
-- In sqlite:
CREATE TABLE "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray" (
  "header.seq"          INTEGER,
  "header.stamp.secs"   INTEGER,
  "header.stamp.nsecs"  INTEGER,
  "header.frame_id"     TEXT,        -- [_id from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus", ]
  status                "DIAGNOSTIC_MSGS/DIAGNOSTICSTATUS[]",
  _topic                TEXT,
  _timestamp            INTEGER,
  _parent_type          TEXT,
  _parent_id            INTEGER

CREATE TABLE "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus" (
  level                 SMALLINT,
  name                  TEXT,
  message               TEXT,
  hardware_id           TEXT,
  -- [_id from "diagnostic_msgs/KeyValue", ]
  "values"              "DIAGNOSTIC_MSGS/KEYVALUE[]",
  _topic                TEXT,        -- _topic from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _timestamp            INTEGER,     -- _timestamp from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _parent_type          TEXT,        -- "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _parent_id            INTEGER      -- _id from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"

CREATE TABLE "diagnostic_msgs/KeyValue" (
  "key"                 TEXT,
  value                 TEXT,
  _topic                TEXT,        -- _topic from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus"
  _timestamp            INTEGER,     -- _timestamp from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus"
  _parent_type          TEXT,        -- "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus"
  _parent_id            INTEGER      -- _id from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus"

Without nesting, array field values are inserted as JSON with full subtype content.

To recursively populate all nested message types:

--write postgresql://username@host/dbname nesting=all
--write path/to/my.sqlite nesting=all

E.g. for diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray, this would, in addition to the above, populate:

-- In postgres:
CREATE TABLE "std_msgs/Header" (
  seq                   BIGINT,
  "stamp.secs"          INTEGER,
  "stamp.nsecs"         INTEGER,
  frame_id              TEXT,
  _topic                TEXT,       -- _topic from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _timestamp            NUMERIC,    -- _timestamp from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _id                   BIGSERIAL,
  _parent_type          TEXT,       -- "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _parent_id            BIGINT      -- _id from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
-- In sqlite:
CREATE TABLE "std_msgs/Header" (
  seq                   UINT32,
  "stamp.secs"          INT32,
  "stamp.nsecs"         INT32,
  frame_id              TEXT,
  _topic                STRING,     -- _topic from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _timestamp            INTEGER,    -- _timestamp from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _parent_type          TEXT,       -- "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"
  _parent_id            INTEGER     -- _id from "diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray"


Writing messages to bag/HTML/MCAP/SQLite supports splitting output files by size, message count, or duration.

rollover-size=NUM           size limit for individual files
                            as bytes (supports abbreviations like 1K or 2M or 3G)
rollover-count=NUM          message limit for individual files
                            (supports abbreviations like 1K or 2M or 3G)
rollover-duration=INTERVAL  message time span limit for individual files
                            as seconds (supports abbreviations like 60m or 2h or 1d)
rollover-template=STR       output filename template for individual files,
                            supporting strftime format codes like "%H-%M-%S"
                            and "%(index)s" as output file index

Output filename template overrides the original given output filename, and can contain subdirectories.

Recording all live topics to bagfiles of 1 gigabyte, with timestamped filenames:

--live --no-console-output --write my.bag rollover-size=1G rollover-template="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.bag"

SQL dialects

Postgres, SQLite and SQL outputs support loading additional options for SQL dialect.

Dialect file format:

  table_template:       CREATE TABLE template; args: table, cols, type, hash, package, class
  view_template:        CREATE VIEW template; args: view, cols, table, topic, type, hash, package, class
  table_name_template:  message type table name template; args: type, hash, package, class
  view_name_template:   topic view name template; args: topic, type, hash, package, class
  types:                Mapping between ROS and SQL common types for table columns,
                        e.g. {"uint8": "SMALLINT", "uint8[]": "BYTEA", ..}
  adapters:             Mapping between ROS types and callable converters for table columns,
                        e.g. {"time": "decimal.Decimal"}
  defaulttype:          Fallback SQL type if no mapped type for ROS type;
                        if no mapped and no default type, column type will be ROS type as-is
  arraytype_template:   Array type template; args: type
  maxlen_entity:        Maximum table/view name length, 0 disables
  maxlen_column:        Maximum column name length, 0 disables
  invalid_char_regex:   Regex for matching invalid characters in name, if any
  invalid_char_repl:    Replacement for invalid characters in name

Template parameters like table_name_template use Python str.format() keyword syntax,
e.g. {"table_name_template": "{type}", "view_name_template": "{topic}"}.

Time/duration types are flattened into separate integer columns secs and nsecs,
unless the dialect maps them to SQL types explicitly, e.g. {"time": "BIGINT"}.

Any dialect options not specified in the given dialect or built-in dialects, will be taken from the default dialect configuration (sqlite):

table_template:       'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table} ({cols});'
view_template:        'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS {view};
                       CREATE VIEW {view} AS
                       SELECT {cols}
                       FROM {table}
                       WHERE _topic = {topic};'
table_name_template:  '{type}',
view_name_template:   '{topic}',
types:                {}
defaulttype:          null
arraytype_template:   '{type}[]'
maxlen_entity:        0
maxlen_column:        0
invalid_char_regex:   null
invalid_char_repl:    '__'
-- clickhouse dialect defaults:
arraytype_template:   Array({type})
defaulttype:          String
table_template:       CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table} ({cols}) ENGINE = ENGINE;
  bool:               UInt8
  float32:            Float32
  float64:            Float64
  int16:              Int16
  int32:              Int32
  int64:              Int64
  int8:               Int8
  string:             String
  uint16:             UInt16
  uint32:             UInt32
  uint64:             UInt64
  uint8:              UInt8
  uint8[]:            String
  wstring:            String
-- postgres dialect defaults:
defaulttype:          JSONB
maxlen_column:        63
maxlen_entity:        63
  bool:               BOOLEAN
  float32:            REAL
  float64:            DOUBLE PRECISION
  int16:              SMALLINT
  int32:              INTEGER
  int64:              BIGINT
  int8:               SMALLINT
  string:             TEXT
  uint16:             INTEGER
  uint32:             BIGINT
  uint64:             BIGINT
  uint8:              SMALLINT
  uint8[]:            BYTEA
  wstring:            TEXT