rosros 0.2.5
Simple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2 Python API
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namespace  rosros
 Simple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2.
namespace  rosros.rospify
 Provides ROS1 API facade for ROS2, or imports rospy if ROS1 environment.
namespace  rosros.rospify.client
 Stand-ins for `rospy.client` in ROS2.


 rosros.rospify.client.delete_param (param_name)
 Deletes a parameter on the node.
 rosros.rospify.client.get_master (env=None)
 Returns a partial stand-in of `rospy.MasterProxy`.
 rosros.rospify.client.get_param (param_name, default=_unspecified)
 Returns a parameter value from the node.
 rosros.rospify.client.get_param_names ()
 Returns a list of node parameter names, with absolute namespace.
 rosros.rospify.client.get_published_topics (namespace="/")
 Returns a list of published topics.
 rosros.rospify.client.has_param (param_name)
 Test if parameter exists on the node.
 rosros.rospify.client.init_node (name, argv=None, anonymous=False, log_level=None, disable_rostime=None, disable_rosout=False, disable_signals=None, xmlrpc_port=None, tcpros_port=None)
 Inits ROS2 and creates ROS2 node.
 rosros.rospify.client.myargv (argv=None)
 Returns command-line arguments with remappings removed.
 rosros.rospify.client.on_shutdown (h)
 Registers function to be called on shutdown, after node has been torn down.
 rosros.rospify.client.search_param (param_name)
 Search for a parameter on the node.
 rosros.rospify.client.set_param (param_name, param_value)
 Set a parameter on the node.
 rosros.rospify.client.spin ()
 Spins ROS2 node forever.
 rosros.rospify.client.wait_for_message (topic, topic_type, timeout=None)
 Receive one message from topic.


dict rosros.rospify.client._ROSPY_LOG_LEVEL_TO_PY_LEVEL
 Map rospy log level constants to Python logging level constants.
int rosros.rospify.client.DEBUG = 1
int rosros.rospify.client.ERROR = 8
int rosros.rospify.client.FATAL = 16
 rosros.rospify.client.get_param_cached = get_param
 Stand-in for `rospy.get_param_cached`.
int rosros.rospify.client.INFO = 2
int rosros.rospify.client.WARN = 4