
Simple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2 Python API

Example usage
ROS core functionality
Patches in ROS1
Patches in ROS2
ROS API helpers
Converting an existing package

API documentation
View the Project on GitHub suurjaak/rosros

ROS core functionality

Functionality for creating and operating a ROS node.

Objects returned are standard rospy / rclpy API objects, patched with additional members for a unified interface conforming to ROS1 API.

Name Description Arguments
Startup, spin and shutdown
rosros.init_node initializes ROS and creates ROS node (and returns Node object in ROS2) name, args=None, namespace=None, anonymous=True, log_level=None, enable_rosout=True, multithreaded=True, reentrant=False
rosros.start_spin sets ROS node spinning forever in a background thread
rosros.spin spins ROS node forever
rosros.spin_once waits until timeout in ROS1; executes one ROS operation or waits until timeout in ROS2 timeout=None
rosros.spin_until_future_complete spins ROS until future complete or timeout reached or ROS shut down future, timeout=None
rosros.ok returns whether ROS has been initialized and is not shut down
rosros.on_shutdown registers function to be called on shutdown callback, *args, **kwargs
rosros.shutdown shuts down live ROS node, if any reason=None
rosros.init_params sets all parameters on node from defaults dictionary, returns full parameters dictionary. defaults=None, **defaultkws
In ROS2, auto-declares unregistered parameters.
rosros.has_param returns whether the parameter exists name
rosros.get_param returns parameter value from current ROS node name, default=None, autoset=True
rosros.get_param_names returns the names of all current ROS node parameters
rosros.get_params returns the current ROS node parameters, by default as nested dictionary nested=True
rosros.set_param sets a parameter on the node. name, value, descriptor=None
In ROS2, parameter will be auto-declared if unknown so far.
rosros.delete_param deletes parameter from the node name
Topics, services, timers and rates
rosros.create_publisher returns a ROS publisher instance topic, cls_or_typename, latch=False, queue_size=0, **qosargs
rosros.create_subscriber returns a ROS subscriber instance topic, cls_or_typename, callback, callback_args=None, queue_size=0, raw=False, **qosargs
rosros.create_service returns a ROS service server instance, for providing a service service, cls_or_typename, callback, **qosargs
rosros.create_client returns a ROS service client instance, for invoking a service service, cls_or_typename, **qosargs
rosros.create_timer returns a ROS timer instance period, callback, oneshot=False, immediate=False
rosros.create_rate returns a ROS rate instance, for sleeping at a fixed rate frequency
rosros.destroy_entity closes the given publisher, subscriber, service client, service server, or timer instance item
rosros.AnyMsg rospy.AnyMsg in ROS1, stand-in class with equivalent functionality in ROS2
sleep sleeps for the specified duration in ROS time duration
wait_for_publisher blocks until topic has at least one publisher topic, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None
wait_for_subscriber blocks until topic has at least one subscriber topic, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None
wait_for_service blocks until service is available service, timeout=None, cls_or_typename=None
ROS bags
rosros.Bag ROS bag reader and writer;
rosbag.Bag in ROS1 with some additional functionality;
equivalent class in ROS2, using the ROS2 default SQLite format
Information queries
rosros.get_namespace returns ROS node namespace
rosros.get_node_name returns ROS node full name with namespace
rosros.get_nodes returns all ROS nodes, as [node full name, ]
rosros.get_topics returns all available ROS topics, as [(topic name, [type name, ]), ]
rosros.get_services returns all available ROS services, as [(service name, [type name, ]), ]
rosros.remap_name returns the absolute remapped topic/service name if mapping exists name, namespace=None
rosros.resolve_name returns absolute remapped name, namespaced under current node if relative or private name, namespace=None
rosros.get_logger returns logging.Logger for logging to ROS log handler;
logger supports additional keywords __once__, __throttle__, __throttle_identical__
rosros.get_ros_version returns ROS version information as a data dictionary
rosros.get_rostime returns ROS time instance for current ROS clock time
rosros.register_init informs rosros of ROS having been initialized outside of init_node(). node=None
Giving node as argument is mandatory in ROS2.

Patches in ROS1

Additional functionality patched onto rospy classes for convenience:

Patches in ROS2

The following classes are patched with full conformity to their equivalents in ROS:

E.g. durations support +-*/ arithmetic, and publisher / subscriber provide .md5sum for message type hash.