rosros 0.2.5
Simple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2 Python API
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rosros.rclify.executors Namespace Reference

Partial stand-in for `rclpy.executors` in ROS1, providing `Executor` classes. More...


class  ConditionReachedException
 API stand-in for ROS2 compatibility, all spinning is performed by sleep. More...
class  Executor
class  ExternalShutdownException
 Future has been completed. More...
class  MultiThreadedExecutor
class  ShutdownException
 Context has been shutdown. More...
class  SingleThreadedExecutor
 API stand-in for ROS2 compatibility. More...
class  TimeoutException
 Signal that a timeout occurred. More...

Detailed Description

Partial stand-in for `rclpy.executors` in ROS1, providing `Executor` classes.