2Provides ROS2 API facade for ROS1, or imports rclpy if ROS2 environment.
5This file is part of rosros - simple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2.
6Released under the BSD License.
13## @namespace rosros.rclify
17if os.getenv("ROS_VERSION") != "2":
34 import rclpy.clock
as clock
36 import rclpy.exceptions
38 import rclpy.parameter
42 import rclpy.topic_endpoint_info
Partial stand-in of ROS2 `rclpy.parameter`.
Stand-in for `rclpy` in ROS1.
Port of ROS2 `rclpy.task` for ROS1.
Provides ROS2 API facade for ROS1, or imports rclpy if ROS2 environment.