rosros 0.2.5
Simple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2 Python API
▼Cabc.ABC | |
Crosros.rospify.service.Service | Stand-in for `rospy.Service`, wrapping the creation of ROS2 service |
Crosros.rospify.service.ServiceProxy | Stand-in for `rospy.ServiceProxy`, wrapping the creation of ROS2 service client |
Crosros.rospify.timer.Rate | Stand-in for `rospy.Rate`, wrapping the creation of ROS2 rate instance |
Crosros.rospify.timer.Timer | Stand-in for `rospy.Timer`, wrapping the creation of ROS2 timer instance |
▼Crosros.rospify.topics.Message | Abstract base class of Message data classes auto-generated from msg files |
Crosros.rospify.msg.AnyMsg | Stand-in for `rospy.AnyMsg` |
Crosros.rospify.topics.Publisher | Stand-in for `rospy.Publisher`, wrapping the creation of ROS2 publisher |
Crosros.rospify.topics.Subscriber | Stand-in for `rospy.Subscriber`, wrapping the creation of ROS2 subscription |
▼Crosbag.Bag | |
Crosros.ros1.Bag | ROS1 bag reader and writer |
Crosros.ros2.Bag | ROS2 bag interface, partially mimicking rosbag.Bag |
▼Crosros.rclify.callback_groups.CallbackGroup | The base class for a callback group |
Crosros.rclify.callback_groups.MutuallyExclusiveCallbackGroup | API stand-in for ROS2 compatibility |
Crosros.rclify.callback_groups.ReentrantCallbackGroup | |
Crosros.rclify.clock.Clock | Simple clock interface mimicking `rclpy.clock.Clock`, only providing `now()` |
▼CException | |
▼Crosros.rclify.exceptions.NameValidationException | Raised when a topic name, node name, or namespace are invalid |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.InvalidNamespaceException | Raised when a namespace is invalid |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.InvalidNodeNameException | Raised when a node name is invalid |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.InvalidServiceNameException | Raised when a service name is invalid |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.InvalidTopicNameException | Raised when a topic name is invalid |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.NoTypeSupportImportedException | Raised when there is no type support imported |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.NotInitializedException | Raised when the rclpy implementation is accessed before rclpy.init() |
▼Crosros.rclify.exceptions.ParameterException | Base exception for parameter-related errors |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.InvalidParameterException | Raised when a parameter to be declared has an invalid name |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.InvalidParameterValueException | Raised when a parameter is rejected by a user callback or when applying a descriptor |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.ParameterAlreadyDeclaredException | Raised when declaring a parameter that had been declared before |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.ParameterImmutableException | Raised when a read-only parameter is modified |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.ParameterNotDeclaredException | Raised when handling an undeclared parameter when it is not allowed |
Crosros.rclify.exceptions.ROSInterruptException | Raised when an operation is canceled by rclpy shutting down |
Crosros.rclify.executors.ConditionReachedException | API stand-in for ROS2 compatibility, all spinning is performed by sleep |
Crosros.rclify.executors.ExternalShutdownException | Future has been completed |
Crosros.rclify.executors.ShutdownException | Context has been shutdown |
Crosros.rclify.executors.TimeoutException | Signal that a timeout occurred |
Crosros.rclify.node.NodeNameNonExistentError | Thrown when a node name is not found |
Crosros.rclify.qos.InvalidQoSProfileException | Raised when constructing a QoSProfile with invalid arguments |
Crosros.rospify.exceptions.ParameterInvalid | |
▼Crosros.rospify.exceptions.ROSException | Base exception class for ROS clients |
Crosros.rospify.exceptions.ROSInitException | Exception for operations that interrupted, e.g |
▼Crosros.rospify.exceptions.ROSInterruptException | Exception if time moved backwards |
Crosros.rospify.exceptions.ROSTimeMovedBackwardsException | |
Crosros.rospify.exceptions.ROSSerializationException | Exception for errors initializing ROS state |
▼Crosros.rospify.exceptions.ROSInternalException | Base class for exceptions that are internal to the ROS system |
▼Crosros.rospify.exceptions.TransportException | Internal class for representing broken connections |
Crosros.rospify.exceptions.TransportInitError | Exception that is raised when a parameter fails validation checks |
Crosros.rospify.exceptions.TransportTerminated | Internal exception for representing exceptions that occur establishing transports |
Crosros.rospify.service.ServiceException | Exception class for service-related errors |
▼Crosros.rclify.executors.Executor | |
Crosros.rclify.executors.MultiThreadedExecutor | |
Crosros.rclify.executors.SingleThreadedExecutor | API stand-in for ROS2 compatibility |
Crosros.rclify.parameter.FloatingPointRange | Represents bounds and a step value for a floating point typed parameter |
▼Crosros.rclify.task.Future | Represents the outcome of a task in the future |
Crosros.rclify.task.Task | Executes a function or coroutine |
▼Clogging.Handler | |
Crosros.ros1.ROSLogHandler | Logging handler that forwards logging messages to ROS1 logger |
Crosros.ros2.ROSLogHandler | Logging handler that forwards logging messages to ROS2 logger |
Crosros.rclify.parameter.IntegerRange | Represents bounds and a step value for an integer typed parameter |
▼CKeyboardInterrupt | |
Crosros.rospify.exceptions.ROSInterruptException | Exception if time moved backwards |
▼Clogging.Logger | |
Crosros.util.ThrottledLogger | Logger wrapper with support for throttling logged messages per call site |
Crosros.rospify.log.LogInhibitor | |
Crosros.rospify.msproxy.MasterProxy | Partial stand-in for `rospy.MasterProxy` |
Crosros.ros1.Mutex | Container for local mutexes |
Crosros.ros2.Mutex | Container for local mutexes |
Crosros.rclify.node.Node | |
Crosros.rclify.parameter.Parameter | ROS node parameter, a stand-in for ROS2 `rclpy.parameter.Parameter` in ROS1 |
Crosros.rclify.parameter.ParameterDescriptor | This is the message to communicate a parameter's descriptor |
Crosros.rclify.parameter.ParameterValue | |
Crosros.rclify.qos.QoSProfile | Define Quality of Service policies |
Crosros.rclify.parameter.SetParametersResult | This is the message to communicate the result of setting parameters |
Crosros.rospify.topics.SubscribeListener | Empty stand-in for `rospy.SubscribeListener` |
Crosros.rospify.timer.TimerEvent | Constructor |
Crosros.rclify.topic_endpoint_info.TopicEndpointInfo | Information on a topic endpoint |
▼CEnum | |
Crosros.rclify.parameter.Parameter.Type | ROS parameter type, a stand-in for ROS2 `rclpy.parameter.Parameter.Type` in ROS1 |
Crosros.rclify.qos.QoSPresetProfiles | |
▼CIntEnum | |
Crosros.rclify.clock.ClockType | Enum for clock type |
▼Crosros.rclify.qos.QoSPolicyEnum | Base for QoS Policy enumerations |
Crosros.rclify.qos.DurabilityPolicy | Enum for QoS Durability settings |
Crosros.rclify.qos.HistoryPolicy | Enum for QoS History settings |
Crosros.rclify.qos.LivelinessPolicy | Enum for QoS Liveliness settings |
Crosros.rclify.qos.ReliabilityPolicy | Enum for QoS Reliability settings |
Crosros.rclify.qos.QoSPolicyKind | Enum for types of QoS policies that a Publisher or Subscription can set |
Crosros.rclify.topic_endpoint_info.TopicEndpointTypeEnum | Enum for possible types of topic endpoints |