rosros 0.2.5
Simple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2 Python API
No Matches
Package List
Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 12345]
 NrosrosSimple unified interface to ROS1 / ROS2
 NapiUtilities for ROS built-in types, and message and service types
 NcoreROS system and node functionality
 NparsingUtilities for ROS message definition texts
 NpatchPatches ROS1 classes with ROS2-compatible members, and vice versa
 NrclifyProvides ROS2 API facade for ROS1, or imports rclpy if ROS2 environment
 Ncallback_groupsPartial stand-in for `rclpy.callback_groups` in ROS1, providing `CallbackGroup` classes
 NclockPartial stand-in for `rclpy.clock` in ROS1, providing `ClockType` and `Clock`
 NdurationStand-in for `rclpy.duration`, provides `rospy.Duration`
 NexceptionsCopy of ROS2 `rclpy.exceptions` for ROS1
 NexecutorsPartial stand-in for `rclpy.executors` in ROS1, providing `Executor` classes
 NnodePartial stand-in of ROS2 `rclpy.node` for ROS1
 NparameterPartial stand-in of ROS2 `rclpy.parameter`
 NqosPartial stand-in for `rclpy.qos` in ROS1
 NrclifyStand-in for `rclpy` in ROS1
 NtaskPort of ROS2 `rclpy.task` for ROS1
 NtimeStand-in for `rclpy.time`, provides `rospy.Duration`
 Ntopic_endpoint_infoPort of ROS2 `rclpy.topic_endpoint_info` for ROS1
 Nros1ROS1 core interface
 CBagROS1 bag reader and writer
 CMutexContainer for local mutexes
 CROSLogHandlerLogging handler that forwards logging messages to ROS1 logger
 Nros2ROS2 core interface
 CBagROS2 bag interface, partially mimicking rosbag.Bag
 CMutexContainer for local mutexes
 CROSLogHandlerLogging handler that forwards logging messages to ROS2 logger
 NrospifyProvides ROS1 API facade for ROS2, or imports rospy if ROS1 environment
 NclientStand-ins for `rospy.client` in ROS2
 NcoreStand-ins for `rospy.core` in ROS2
 NexceptionsCopy of ROS1 `rospy.exceptions` for ROS2, plus a few other rospy exceptions
 NlogStand-in for `rospy` logging functionality in ROS2
 NmsgStand-ins for `rospy.msg` in ROS2
 NmsproxyStand-ins for `rospy.msproxy` in ROS2
 NnamesStand-ins for `rospy.names` in ROS2
 NrospifyStand-in for `rospy` in ROS2
 NrostimeStand-ins for `rospy.rostime` in ROS2
 NserviceStand-ins for `rospy.impl.tcpros_service` in ROS2
 NtimerStand-ins for `rospy.timer` in ROS2
 NtopicsStand-ins for `rospy.topics` in ROS2
 NutilCommon utility classes and functions
 CThrottledLoggerLogger wrapper with support for throttling logged messages per call site